The site administration guarantees that the personal data provided to the site will only be used properly.

Personal data and contact information of the User will not be disclosed to third parties, except as provided by law, or if the User gives his consent (as follows).

The site administration undertakes not to send unsolicited or unsolicited e-mails (spam) to Users, except for important business or communication e-mails for which the User has given his permission. In case of congratulations, information about current offers.

A registered user can quickly and easily stop receiving emails from simply clicking the active phrase “Unsubscribe” at the end of one of the emails.


The site administration respects the personal information of all users of our site. Any activity of the site on the Internet is carried out in accordance with current European legislation, as well as the legislation of Ukraine. These rules of personal data protection (“Security Policy”) regulate the procedure for disclosure of information obtained by the site about the Users (as mentioned earlier) who visit it. The site administration uses the collected personal data of users in accordance with the Law № 2297-VI “On Personal Data Protection”.

Receiving and processing personal data

All Users may visit the Site without disclosing any personal data (personal data means any information relevant to an identified individual, in particular through commonly used methods of identification or through one or more features inherent in his / her personality: physical, physiological, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social, political). However, failure of the User to provide the necessary information requested in the relevant sections of the information entry and in other sections of the site may result in the inability to provide the site to users of certain services. If the User fills in the feedback form on the site, the User enters into a contractual relationship with the site administration. The user receives a request to disclose the necessary personal data at the time of the transaction.

In order to fulfill user requests, as well as for other purposes listed below, the site may request the following information about the User: name, mobile phone number and other data. By virtually subscribing to the site, the User agrees (agrees) to enter his personal data into the information system, both manually and automatically, in full and for the purposes set out below, in accordance with the law on personal data protection. If the User does not agree to this, he has the right not to use the site and not to provide the site administration with his personal data.

The site administration has the right to use the disclosed data for the period necessary to fulfill the relevant purpose of personal data processing and mandatory archiving, in accordance with applicable law, without prejudice to the obligations of the site arising from special regulations. Granting permission for the processing of personal data is voluntary, and the User has the right to revoke such permission by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of the site.

Users’ rights to the processing of their personal data are enshrined in the Personal Data Protection Act and include, in particular, the right to update or delete personal data from the site’s information system. As well as the right to receive a copy of personal data that is the subject of processing by the site, as well as the right to apply to the Personal Data Protection Authority of Ukraine in case of suspicion of misuse of personal data.

Other ways to get information

In addition to receiving data through the site, the User may be asked to disclose their personal data in written correspondence with the site administration, in a telephone conversation with the site administration, at the time of request for service for warranty and post-warranty service, registration for interactive survey or in any business proposal, in the process of exchanging text messages in real time and so on. In this case, the User will be separately asked to consent to the processing of personal data by the site administration, if such permission is required by law.

Purpose of collecting and processing personal data

The site administration processes personal data for the following purposes:

  • performing certain actions to perform services or perform other agreements between the site administration and the User;
  • Providing appropriate after-sales service, including site-related services such as warranty and post-warranty service, requesting user feedback on site services, enabling Users to benefit from special offers and promotions, conducting service surveys, performing and processing requests from users to provide information about the site, its services, inform the User about new site, improve site services and conduct lotteries, contests and other promotions.

Use and disclosure of information to third parties

The site administration uses the information obtained solely for the personal purposes mentioned above. The staff of the site undertakes to respect the confidentiality of information provided by Users in accordance with applicable law. Personal data may be disclosed to third parties in cases where the site administration reasonably deems it necessary. And also in order to prevent fraud, fulfillment of obligations, protection of the rights of the site, or in cases of corporate changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, sale or purchase of assets of the enterprise, etc.

The site administration intends to protect and manage the personal data of all users of its sites in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine of the Law on Personal Data Protection. The site administration has taken all necessary technical, organizational and personal measures in accordance with Ukrainian law, including the Personal Data Protection Act, to process data to ensure security and protect personal data from accidental destruction or accidental loss, improper handling, unauthorized disclosure or access. , as well as from other illegal forms of use.


The site administration strongly encourages all parents and guardians to teach their children to handle personal data safely and responsibly on the Internet. Persons under the age of 18 must not disclose their personal data on the site without the permission of their parents and guardians. The site administration will never intentionally request personal data from persons under 18 years of age, or use them in any way, the site administration states that users of its site 18 years and older.

Links to other sites

This Privacy Policy applies to the homepage. Some pages on these sites may contain links to other organizations within or outside the site structure. When users leave the site, they are encouraged to follow the link and read the privacy policy for each site that collects personal data.

The site administration does not control the information contained on these sites, as well as the rules of personal data protection applicable to these sites, and is not responsible for any content, goods or services they offer. The use of such linked sites is subject to the terms and conditions applicable to such sites.

The right to receive information, newsletters, advertising messages and their cancellation

The site administration is positive about users’ requests for information on the site’s privacy policy sent to the store’s email address. Users who do not wish to receive advertising messages (or newsletters) can unsubscribe by sending a request to the e-mail address.

Notification of changes

Users will be informed of any changes and additions made to this Privacy Policy. By using the site or ordering services on the site, following the notification of changes to the Security Policy, the User agrees to the changes contained in the amended version in full.


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