
Management Company

Client real estate management service (management or letting of real estate in one hand) is widespread in Europe and is now gaining popularity in the Ukrainian market.

Commercial real estate and residential real estate are transferred to the department, namely: commercial premises, pavilions, offices, individual buildings, apartments and houses.

It is much easier and safer to transfer (hand over) an object into competent hands than to deal with it yourself – to look for tenants, select reliable candidates, draw up contracts and collect monthly fees.

The main advantages of cooperation with us:

  • Global savings of time and effort of the owner to find and select tenants.
  • We do the initial research of the object and the analysis before the first meeting. To make it constructive.
  • Signing a long-term contract for 2 years and 11 months or more by prior arrangement.
  • We extend contracts for the next terms with the consent of real estate owners.
  • We take into account the peculiarities of each object and the wishes of the owner regarding the further operation of the leased property.
  • Confidence in timely rent and payment of utilities.
  • Other types of cooperation are possible.


Urgent Purchase

Selling real estate: whether it’s a room, office, apartment or house or land – a complex process. It takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort to show the object, check the documents and prepare for the alienation.

And what to do when there is no time, but you have to sell your commercial or residential real estate, because you need money today?

To do this, we provide a service of Urgent Purchase.

As soon as you contact us, our representative will go to the facility as soon as possible. There he conducts a full inspection of the property, learns about all the technical features and according to the analyst forms the value of the property.

Next, if you have your consent to the stated price, perform the following steps:

  • At the beginning, we conduct an inspection of state registers for restrictions and encumbrances.
  • We check for the presence or absence of lawsuits that are considered by the courts.
  • We form a package of documents for purchase and sale.
  • We determine the date and time of notarial acts.

We determine the date and time of notarial acts.



The result of the expert appraisal of real estate is made in the form of an appraisal report, which is an official document, meets the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine and has full legal force.

Real estate appraisal report prepared by the experts of the appraisal company and will allow you to be confident in the protection of your property interests within the action (transaction), which is planned with real estate.

Real estate appraisal – basic provisions, taxation

Civil law provides for several types of transactions on:

  • Expropriation of real estate:
  • Buy and sell
  • Exchange
  • Gift
  • Inheritance and more.

When concluding such agreements (and all real estate agreements are subject to mandatory notarization and state registration), the parties must pay taxes, fees and other mandatory payments made in accordance with applicable law.

The basis of accrual is the “contract price”, but not lower than the appraised value of such property, determined by the subject of appraisal activity (this rule applies to property owned / transferred to the ownership of individuals). That is, the higher of the values is chosen for taxation – either the contract price or the appraised value determined in the Appraiser’s report.

Taxes and fees on real estate transactions are accrued in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance Fee” and the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On State Duty”.



ProZorro.Sales is an electronic trading system created according to the values ​​and principles of the system transparently. It is mandatory for small-scale privatization – the sale of state and municipal property, as well as the sale of bank assets, which is liquidated by the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

Also in Prozorro.Sale (transparent sale) you can buy the right to rent cars Ukrzaliznytsia, mining rights, stakes, single property complexes, buy commercial real estate throughout Ukraine (offices, shops, production facilities, shopping centers, warehouses), land auctions etc.

It is also possible to buy apartments, houses, cottages, garages, outbuildings, etc. at the market price.

Through the system of transparent sales lots are put up for auction from the following giants-owners:

  • State Property Fund (SPFU)
  • Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals
  • National Bank of Ukraine
  • Derzhgeonadra and Derzhgeokadastr
  • Ukrzaliznytsia
  • Center of Transport Logistics of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”
  • Ukrhydroenergo
  • Kyiv Metro
  • Ukrgazvydobuvannya
  • State Service of Geology and Subsoil

As well as local, village councils, united territorial communities.

Prozorro.Sales – is a unique opportunity to buy or rent at simple and open auctions, with automated evaluation of the auction result and the exclusion of any corruption risks.


Your ideal real estate partner


We will be happy to answer all your questions and help you make the right choice.
+38 099 752 3013


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    MEGAPOLIS real estate agency is a company that develops dynamically. We have been successful in the non-violent market for more than 12 years.

    Our agency is dedicated, first for everything, for providing reliable information and services. For the fates of work on the market of indestructibility of Ukraine, we vibrated in the mind of our customers.

    Our agency is primarily focused on providing reliable information and quality services. Over the years of working in the real estate market of Ukraine, we have developed the ability to hear and understand our customers.

    We will make sure that our cooperation is comfortable and effective.

    We will be happy to help you!

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